Monday, October 5, 2009

A little drumming...

and the bedtime book.


  1. The Salt Lake Gazette Headline

    Charges Pending Against Chief Pediatric Resident and Preacher Husband for Medical Malpractice or Something

    Primitive tools are being held as evidence in a bizarre case where Dr. Brooke and Preacher Andy Johnston alledgedly encouraged their 7 month old son (name withheld to protect the minor child) to perform his own tonsillectomy. The entire episode was captured on tape and was even published to the web. Investigators are relieved to say that thanks to a strong gag reflex the child is unharmed....... :>) mlt

  2. Alternate Titles:
    1) Children do the darndest things!
    2) What every parent knows about parenting (but keeps hidden from other parents for fear of being exposed as the ONLY negligent parent)
    3)Parenting 101: Expect the UNexpected
    4)Lessons best learned the hard way
    5)Quality time: the hidden realities
    6)Over-educated parents no match for infant ingenuity.

    Laughing with you, Rebecca
