Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some birthday partying

Yes, on valentine's day, Emmett turned two years old. Unfortunately, he was unconscious for most of it. He had the nasty stomach bug all weekend, and he was only awake for about 3 hours all day on the 14th. Therefore, we declared his birthday to actually be on Friday the 18th! (He's two, he doesn't know...)

There were some presents, some cake, some friends, and lots of running around. Here are some pictures from the celebration - we're at our friends house, Ryan, Jenifer and Sophia (6 months old). You can also see Josh, Kris, and Katherine (20 months). The fellas are both classmates in the grad program with me, and helped us celebrate.

Study hall

Here's Emmett with his friend, Katherine, doing a little light reading. He's discovered how fun our digital camera can be, so there's always now a moment when he sees the camera and stops whatever he's doing...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back inaction

Yes, friends, thanks for your patience. We haven't posted any videos for a while. I have lots of good excuses, most of them untrue. Here are some favorites:
- I loaned my computer to NASA to analyze images from space
- Emmett has been invisible to photographic imaging for 6 months
- We went to live with the Amish for a while
(Actually, none of these are true.)

Here's a video from tonight - fiddle practice and soccer: